Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Nelson’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies are based upon the “Triple Bottom Line” (people, planet, and profits) and use ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) as a guide. Nelson’s goal is to encourage suppliers to be good Corporate Citizens, to lead by example, and to facilitate customer’s CSR goals.

Nelson’s CSR policy is reviewed annually for content, implementation, and effectiveness as part of Nelson’s Management Review Process. Adjustments will be made in a never-ending quest to be a premier socially responsible Corporate Citizen.

Triple Bottom Line

“People, planet and profit”, also known as the triple bottom line.

  1. “People” refers to Nelson’s employees, suppliers’ employees, customers’ employees, and other people encountered during business activities. It also refers to the communities and regions where Nelson operates and the people who are directly or indirectly influenced by Nelson’s presence.
  2. “Planet” refers to sustainable environmental practices.
  3. “Profit” is the economic value created by Nelson after deducting the cost of all inputs, including the cost of the capital.

Nelson’s sense of responsibility towards people, the community, planet, and profit follow the key principles and core subjects of ISO 26000.

Key Principles and Core Subjects of ISO 26000

The Seven Key Principles of Nelson’s CSR policies are:

  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Ethical behavior
  • Respect for stakeholder interests (stakeholders are individuals or groups who are affected by, or have the ability to impact, the organization’s actions)
  • Respect for the rule of law
  • Respect for international norms of behavior
  • Respect for human rights

The Seven Core Subjects, which Nelson considers in its CSR, are:

  • Organizational governance
  • Human rights
  • Employee practices
  • Environment
  • Corporate operating practices / Sustainability
  • Customer issues
  • Corporate impact on community


Nelson’s CSR policies are top down. Nelson’s directors feel that it is every employee’s responsibility to be a good citizen and expects enthusiastic acceptance and practice of these policies. Nelson firmly believes in Deming’s 14 points and practices those points in its management philosophy and in its daily operation.

Accounting, auditing and reporting

Nelson communicates the social and environmental effects of its economic actions on its website and keeps a current report of the latest auditing and reporting on file to be used for historical compliancy analyzing.


Nelson is committed to complete transparency of its CSR polices on its web-site and will keep the web-site current with respect to corporate philosophy and actions in this area.

Ethnics Behavior and Training

Nelson’s management takes business ethnics very seriously. Management expects its employees to practice the highest business ethnics possible. Nelson provides training to help employees make ethical decisions when issues or directions are unclear. Business ethnics includes truth in advertising and ethical marketing.


Nelson’s CSR policies are top down. Nelson’s directors feel that it is every employee’s responsibility to be a good citizen and expects enthusiastic acceptance and practice of these policies. Nelson firmly believes in Deming’s 14 points and practices those points in its management philosophy and in its daily operation.

Accounting, auditing and reporting

Nelson communicates the social and environmental effects of its economic actions on its website and keeps a current report of the latest auditing and reporting on file to be used for historical compliancy analyzing.


Nelson is committed to complete transparency of its CSR polices on its web-site and will keep the web-site current with respect to corporate philosophy and actions in this area.

Ethnics Behavior and Training

Nelson’s management takes business ethnics very seriously. Management expects its employees to practice the highest business ethnics possible. Nelson provides training to help employees make ethical decisions when issues or directions are unclear. Business ethnics includes truth in advertising and ethical marketing.


Respect for human rights

Nelson believes in inalienable human rights of individuals and respects all individuals as human beings having these rights. Nelson wishes to show its CSR policies through acts that benefit all of mankind.

Nelson believes that every employee has the right to work in a friendly, safe environment with equal opportunity for all employees.  To this end, Nelson has published a Safety Policy, Employee Equal Opportunity Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, and a Safe Work Place Policy in its Employee Handbook. Reprinted below:


Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. believes that all occupational injuries and illnesses can be prevented, and the personal health and safety of each employee is of primary importance. All accidents are avoidable when management and employees work together. Our goal is to eliminate any foreseeable hazards that may result in personal injury/illness, property damage/loss, or business interruptions caused by accidents, fires, or other hazards. In keeping to the highest standard, Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. will assure that all mechanical and physical facilities provide for a safe work environment. Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. strives to remain in compliance with all Federal, State and Local Environmental, Health and Safety Regulations in order to prevent injury and illness to its employees.

We will maintain a safety and health program that meets or exceeds the best safety practices for our industry. To be successful, such a program must embody the proper attitudes toward injury and illness prevention on the part of all employees. Every accident shall be investigated thoroughly to identify and correct the root cause or condition. Each employee is responsible for activities under their control and to bring the unsafe actions or conditions that pose a safety hazard to the attention of their Supervisor, Human Resources, the Environmental, Health and Safety Manager or the Health and Safety Specialist. Each employee is also responsible to bring to the attention of their co-workers any unsafe actions or conditions regarding their activities. By establishing ongoing health and safety inspections and training we can eliminate unsafe working practices and conditions, control health hazards, and comply with health and safety standards. All employees are responsible for minimizing accidents and injuries within our facilities, for following policies and procedure established in the employee Health and Safety Handbook and other documents.

Our objective is a health and safety program that will reduce the number of injuries and illnesses to the absolute minimum, not merely in keeping with, but surpassing, all others in our industry. Our goal is zero accidents and injuries. We can achieve excellence in safety only if employees on all levels cooperate and observe all safety rules and guidelines. Documented weekly safety meetings help in achieving our safety goals by giving all employees the forum to discuss safety issues and reinforce safe work habits.



We, at Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc., believe that all persons are entitled to equal opportunity, and that employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equal treatment regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status or marital status. There will be no discrimination in matters including, but not limited to promotions, demotions, transfers, layoffs, terminations, compensation, and selection for training or selected programs. Denial of these rights to any applicant or employee, or harassment of employees because they are members of one of these groups will not be tolerated. Such conduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc.’s overall objective is to ensure equal employment opportunities for everyone in all job categories.


It is illegal and a violation of Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc.’s policy for any employee, male, or female, to sexually harass another employee, or any other person who may be encountered during the course of employment with Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. including, but not limited to customers, vendors, visitors, and guests. The unwelcome conduct, written, verbal or physical, direct or indirect, is considered unlawful when one or more of the following basic criteria is met:

  1. If submission to such conduct its made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an employee’s continued employment;

  2. If submission to or rejection of such conduct by an employee is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the employee; or

  3. If such conduct has a purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct interferes with an individual’s job performance or creates an intimidating situation or atmosphere within which the employee must work, even though it does not necessarily result in tangible, economic job consequences. Sexual harassment may involve individuals of the same or different genders.

Thus, sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, such unwelcome conduct as: sex-oriented kidding, teasing, or joking; foul or obscene language or gestures; repeated sexual flirtations; sexual propositions or suggestive comments; physical contact such as patting, pinching or brushing against another’s body; commentary about an individual’s body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies; sexual stereotyping; or the unwelcome display or transmission via electronic communication device which includes E-mail, voicemail, fax machines and the internet of objects or pictures which are sexual in nature, regardless of whether or not the employee’s job, salary, or benefits are affected.

Employees who believe they are the victims of sexual harassment or any Supervisor who has reason to believe an employee has been subject to sexual harassment should immediately report such conduct to either the Director, Human Relations, or their supervisor. The responsible Manager will investigate the complaint, report the findings, and present a recommendation for action to Human Resources, within five (5) days of the incident or notice thereof. The results of the investigation will be discussed with those involved and appropriate disciplinary action, where necessary, will be taken. The company will conduct its investigations in a discreet manner and keep the investigation as confidential as possible.

Conduct prohibited by this policy is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside the workplace such as during business trips, business meetings, and business-related social events.

Violation of the provisions of this policy by any employee of Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. will be cause for appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Each complaint will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

We trust that all employees of the Company will continue to act responsibility to maintain a professional and effective working environment free of all forms of discrimination.


Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. is committed to providing a safe and hazard-free work environment for all employees. We have developed policies directed at keeping our workplace violence-free. We require that all employees, customers and visitors are treated with respect and dignity in a professional, hostile-free environment.

Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. has taken a zero tolerance approach toward violence in the workplace. We will not tolerate the harassment, intimidation or implied threat of any employee or supervisor by any employee. Harassment or intimidation includes, but is not limited to, creation of a hostile work environment through unwelcome words, actions or physical contact that may or may not result in physical harm. Threats are not limited to expressions of intent to cause physical harm.


Nelson’s CSR policies are meant to clarify, give direction, motivate, and give satisfaction to its employees and directors. Nelson’s performance as a premier corporate citizen is the responsibility of all stakeholders and as such all employees should take pride in Nelson’s achievements with respect to its social responsibilities.


Environmentally Green and Blue

Nelson is dedicated to pursue all actions that:

  • minimize the use of natural resources;
  • minimize the use of energy;
  • maximize recycling of its scrap;
  • maximize the reuse of its resources;
  • minimize its carbon footprint.

These include selecting suppliers where possible based upon their environmental sustainability and educating and assisting customers with their environmental sustainability programs.


Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. is committed to remain in compliance with all Local, State and Federal Environmental Regulations, and exceed those guidelines when possible.

Nelson is committed to conduct its operations such that its impact on the environment is minimized with respect to its level of product offering. Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. is committed to minimize the environmental impact associated with manufacturing through continuous improvements to existing processes and equipment, reduction of emissions, and training.

Nelson’s management is committed to ensuring that Nelson is a model organization with respect to being an environmentally sensitive citizen of the planet earth. Nelson strives to minimize the use of resources both in the production of the device as well as in its operative life, and considers from the initiation of each new project the resources used and the requirements for recycling its products.

Nelson encourages its employees to be environmentally friendly. This includes:

  1. Collection of used batteries at each facility to be taken to a battery-recycling facility (including batteries from home and personal use). Each facility shall have a clearly marked battery recycle box.
  2. Collection of all used electrical and electronic devices to be taken to an electronics-recycling facility. 70% of hazardous materials in landfills in 2015 are from electronic equipment Each facility shall have a clearly marked used electronic equipment location.
  3. Collection and recycling of office paper and shipping cartons to be dropped of at designated locations near the facility.
  4. All hazardous material is disposed of in a lawful, environmentally sound way.
  5. Turning off facility lights and appliances when not in use.
  6. Turning off AC / heat pumps when not in use.

Nelson Environmental Technologies, Inc. requires that all employees comply with this policy and associated standards. All operations have a direct contact for environmental affairs, which report to the environmental office, located at the McAllen, Texas facility.


Nelson’s financial goals include the following considerations.

Social license

Nelson strives to achieve a “Social license” in all of its facility local communities. Nelson believes that social license is acquired through timely and effective communications, meaningful dialogue and ethical and responsible behavior in those communities where its branches are located. Nelson believes that creating shared valve (CSV) with its communities is beneficial to all parties.

Respect for Laws

Nelson expects all of its employees and directors to respect all of the laws of the land (Local, State, and Federal) and follow not only the law but the spirit of the law.

Economic Sustainability

Nelson recognizes that in order to be able to continue to be a premier corporate citizen it must make a profit. Nelson’s management is responsible for ensuring that the company is solvent and provides a sustainable profit to its stock holders after its employees have been rewarded for their contributions to the bottom line.

Both reasonable profits and its CSR policies will enable Nelson’s goal of leading and assisting its business partners (suppliers and customers) being fine examples of corporate citizenship in the world.